HolidayCheck Group AG
Die HolidayCheck Group AG ist eines der führenden europäischen Digitalunternehmen für UrlauberInnen. Wir vereinen unter unserem Dach das Hotelbewertungs- und Reisebuchungsportal HolidayCheck, den Reiseveranstalter HolidayCheck Reisen sowie die MietwagenCheck und Driveboo Mietwagenportale.
Holy Fashion Group
BECOME FAN OF YOUR JOB. At the HOLY FASHION GROUP talents work with passion, excellence and creativity on the success of our three brands JOOP!, Strellson and windsor. Everyone supports the mission statement and values that have been developed through many activities together with all employees and the management team: WE CREATE WINNING BRANDS THAT MAKE PEOPLE FEEL GREAT. Our work culture demands full commitment, responsibility, speed and innovation for the success and continuous growth of the three brands. Apart from our headquarters in Kreuzlingen (Switzerland), the HOLY FASHION GROUP operates in 50 countries worldwide.12