How to stay in touch with interesting companies after the Career Day

  • Send a thank you note for the conversation. If you submit your application documents after the initial contact at the Career Day, you should ideally also take this opportunity to thank the person for the conversation you had.
    But even if a company does not have a suitable position for you at the moment, but you had a good conversation, you can thank the contact person for this by email – or via a social network if you connected – and point out that you would be happy to hear from them in the future if a suitable position becomes available.
  • Submit your application documents promptly. If you have spoken to one or more companies at kontaktpukt about jobs you would like to apply for, submit your application within a few days if possible. In your email, make reference to the Career Day and the interview so that your contact person can immediately identify the documents.
    If you handed in your application documents directly at the Career Day, allow the company some time to take a look at them. If you have not heard anything after two weeks, you can follow up politely.
  • Use social networks. If you have met an interesting company at the Career Day, connect with them via social media. If you have a profile on a professional network like LinkedIn or Xing, you can follow the company’s page or connect with the contact person you met at the Career Day. If you want to connect, remember to mention the conversation at Career Day when you make contact – this will make it easier for the person you are talking to to recognise you.
    Many companies also maintain an Instagram or YouTube account, for example, on which they report on their company culture and career opportunities. Just follow them to stay up to date.

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